Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend doodles

Forgotten Lands.. Now with 100% new Clouds!
This has been an on and off sketch for most of the week. This sketch was about the clouds for the most part, i would like to colour it, yet I have frames to draw today and ya time time time, La sigh. I just tossed on a really really quick shadow pass for some depth & abit of sky/cloud wash.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Butch The Betta

Let's just get this straight, No one messes with Butch! The pissed off Betta.. XD Not even an 8 legged Octopus! ^.^

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Morning Highway

Something i have been sketching between classes, just to keep sketching. I would love to take my time and colour it but just don't have that kinda time. So just did a quick colour wash to get the feeling i was after.

cadet training

That's Astronaut training in a nut shell =D
The course load has really picked up lately so, the posting going to suffer for the last 2 months.

Totally inspired by Florian Satzinger, You can check out his work @