I call this one 1hr 45, its the largest 1 frame render i have done. AND i want to add more too! bet once im happy and few others <,< it could range in the 2hr+. Well here's a sample.
small change in this pic. I pulled the light planes that where above the car and, tweaks the body colour and changed from a 4x4 lanczos to a 3x3 Guass. I do pref the Lanczos or a Mitchell sampler for the sharper detail. But i kinda like the soft feel of guass on this for the moment.
Almost Finished my old school Austin Mini. Fri night it all came to me how i could fix the model and get back on track, and i worked early into the morning on it i was just so excited about how much head way i had made.(4am) Not totally finished I'm sure i can fit in more details.
Well here is the start to my first car model. Been wanting to start this for a bit, but never found the time till now. Right now its just a rough low poly model, as the week goes on i hope to flush more of it out. Till then keep a watch on it.
Inflight Services & Concessions Manager, boy did I ever take a different direction in life. Never say No to opportunity though, passion will always find opportunities for expression.